Giving a hug to my inner child

Maddie Tudor Consulting

Lesson Learned: Insights From an Entrepreneur Trying To Figure It Out

The Main Event

I come to you, on this thirtieth (woah!) edition of my newsletter, having just turned 30 over the weekend. That level of connection seems hard to ignore. And having just hit thirty, I’m also struck by how much I’ve done already. I’ve founded a business that brings me the lifestyle I want, made incredible friendships, and seen so much of the world.

To celebrate, I took real advantage of that freedom that I’ve given myself and decided it was time to take a girl trip to collectively celebrate our special year at our favorite place…Walt Disney World.

I know, I know. Some of you are rolling your eyes or thinking you could not think of anything worse. But for me, it’s exactly the opposite.

There, I get to embrace my inner child and say thank you to her for all of the ways she shows up for me in daily life. I feel lucky to still be so connected to her all of these years later. And I don’t say this to mean I’m childish—in fact, I’m often the granny of the friend group, preferring to be at home in bed than out—but more to mean that I haven’t lost touch with my sense of play or whimsy.

She helps me every day when a client asks me a question and I respond saying, I don’t know, but I’m excited to learn the answer to that for you. Or they ask me to learn a new platform. When they allow me to try something new on their behalf. I’m lucky to work in an industry that has embraced the idea of test and learn. What could be more childlike and playful than that? That was all we did when we were kids! How high could I go on the swings, how far could I run, how much sugar could I eat without getting sick?

Now, my questions are a little bit different, but it doesn’t mean those feelings of fun have to go away. I find myself looking for them everywhere I go, in the smallest of places.

The other reason I love those Disney days? It’s one of the few places I disconnect and truly live in the moment. I’m not worried about pictures, social media, or all of my other adult concerns. Instead, I’m wondering if I can make it on that roller coaster before the line gets too long and where I’ll grab my next Dole whip or churro.

I understand some Disney adults that you see online can be intense, but embracing that would take away the fun of it. The whole point here is to relax. And I know for many that seems like an oxymoron.

How can you relax somewhere filled with crowds where you walk upwards of 10 miles in one day? Simple: I’m only meant to be there. And in that moment, I can let go of everything. As an adult, witnessing the joy of the children causing those crowds around me is one of the sweetest things of all. I hope they never lose that feeling.

In fact, I’ve gotten a tattoo (see below) to remind me just that: embrace my inner joy and child. A representation of the second star to the right, to remind me of the feeling I get when I’m with her. Every time I see it, I know to find the joy.

Lesson Learned: I hope everyone in my life has that place where they can say hello to their inner child and embrace joy like I can. She helps me every day of my life.

My Current Obsessions...

What I'm Burning: I mentioned I was trying out new scents from The New Savant, and I’ve found a few new favorites, but right now Heatwave is taking me to the summer weather I wish we were having in LA!

What I'm Watching: I’ve been thoroughly enjoying The Girls on the Bus on Max, all about a group of women on the presidential election trail. It’s a little close to home, but it is also so fun to watch, despite the name sounding like a nursery rhyme.

Wild Card: I recently made this Weeknight Puttanesca from Bon Appetit and it hit the spot. And no one can deny how amazing it is to get a tasty meal together in just 30 minutes.

Speak Soon!

P.S. Did what I wrote resonate with you? Great! If you would do me the honor of passing this on to anyone else you think would like it, I would really appreciate it and subscribe if you haven't already! Plus, make sure to take me out of your junk folder!

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Lesson Learned: Insights From an Entrepreneur Trying To Figure It Out

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